Resources for Kids


TumbleBooks logo
Collection of over 1,100 titles for grades K-6, including animated, talking picture books, read-along chapter books, nonfiction books and videos, curated playlists, as well as books in Spanish and French.
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Novelist K-8 Plus

Novelist K-8 Plus logo

Reading recommendations for kids’ fiction and nonfiction that you can search by Lexile, subject, and grade level.

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Kits for Kids

Visit the Children’s Library

The River Forest Public Library’s Children’s Room offers a lively environment for kids from birth through 4th grade and their caregivers. Visit and browse a large, dynamic selection of books, movies, video games, American Girl dolls, Wonderbooks, Discovery Kits and more.

Our well loved play area features a kitchen set, a vet set, magnatiles, cars and trucks, puzzles, puppets, and other fun toys. Kids can write a letter to our Children’s Room mascots, S’more the Rottweiler, Gelato the Himalayan cat, and Cheesecake the baby seal. We also offer scavenger hunts, I Spy, passive crafts, coloring sheets, and a Guesstimation Jar. Check our calendar for our wide selection of monthly programming.

Children's Area photo collage showing three images: one of a book display, one of the stuffed animal mascots, and one of a boy and a girl playing in the play area

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